Discussione delle tesi finali del Master di primo livello in Libertà religiosa, libertà di coscienza, diritti e geopolitica delle religioni. Istituto Avventista.Read More
In a world that moves at the speed of roughly 940 Megabits per second, it would be easy to overlook a small, medieval town tucked into the rolling hills of Italy’s Umbria region.Tucked under the tired arms of a fading castle, Assisi, Italy, continues to thrive as a historical and religious outpost for pilgrims of the arts, history and Catholicism.Read More
Traveling to Modena, we had the chance to visit the Ferrari Museum. With a guided tour, we were able to browse the infamous car models that have been used over the years. After our Ferrari experience, we drove down to a Balsamic Vinegar Factory in Modena. We were able to go up to a room full of barrels and see the process of turning the vineyard grapes into balsamic vinegar.Read More
35 ragazze e ragazzi di due classi quinte dell’Istituto superiore “Gobetti-Volta” di Bagno a Ripoli, hanno passato una giornata in visita presso l'Istituto Avventista.Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.