1. Doctorat en Théologie Systématique (Faculté de Théologie Protestante de Strasbourg).
1. “Human Responsibility. Between Morality, Ethics and Religion,” Adventus, 13 (2003): 75-90;
2. “Per una teologia ermeneutica,” Adventus, 16 (2006): 17-29;
3. “Per un’antropologia relazionale,” Adventus, 17 (2007): 4-18;
4. “«Futurum» or «Adventus»? On Adventist Identity,” Adventus, 18 (2008): 41-53;
5. “Adventism: Community or Society? Some socio-theological Remarks,” Adventus, 19 (2009): 54-63;
6. “Toward a Bioethics of Mediation,” Update (LLU Center for Christian Bioethics), 1 (2009): 1-5.
1. “Una libertà relazionale,” in AA.VV., Scegli Gesù (Impruneta: Edizioni AdV, 2007): 46-52;
2. “Gesù e la legge: la conferma del patto,” in AA.VV., Dieci parole per amare la vita (Impruneta: Edizioni AdV, 2001): 23-45;