“Coffee kindness” initiative at CasAurora

A “Kindness Café” was held on Thursday, February 23, at CasAurora. A place for discussion, promotion, and sharing of ideas with the goal of enabling the circulation of knowledge among people who are willing and able to have their say in order to give substance to when Gandhi wrote

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Here at CasAurora we have experimented with an innovative formula of organized conversation using the “World Café” mode,
a team facilitation methodology that uses informality
(like the atmosphere expected in a “café”)
to spark constructive conversations.
Placed in an intimate and welcoming environment, participants are invited to spread out in small tables and initiate conversations. The basic principle is the contamination and intersection of everyone’s knowledge, experience.

The initiative is part of the general cultural journey of the kindness paradigm that wants to find answers to the question:

“Can one live in a different way?”

In this first meeting, those present discussed the following reflections:
  • Can a kind lifestyle generate a different way of living? How?
  • Can cities, schools, or other spheres of social life be changed to foster kind relationships? What changes can do this?
  • Is there a relationship between kind lifestyle and environmental care? Can kindness in human relationships also promote a kind relationship with the environment?
Professor Stefano Bartolini (economist) facilitated the emergence of responses by expertly listening to what those present shared.
Can one live in a different way? The question is this, but the answer has a history. The answer is a story.
Dr. Anna Maria Palma coordinated the event.

See photos of the day

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