Ferrari and L’Acetaia Malpighi 2021

Traveling to Modena, we had the chance to visit the Ferrari Museum. With a guided tour, we were able to browse the infamous car models that have been used over the years. Along with all the incredible history linked to these cars, our guide also gave us insights on Enzo Ferrari himself and fun facts about him. For example, it was, and still is, forbidden for any of the authentic Ferrari models to be pink! The last room in the museum was a trophy room that displayed a half circle of Ferrari race cars and giant photos of all the Formula One winners who drove them. The tour ended with the opportunity for us to go in groups of three and simulate a pit stop, changing the tires, that happens during a race. We all raced against each other to see who was the fastest, but unfortunately none of us even came close to the standing record of 1.97 seconds, though we kept trying.

After our Ferrari experience, we drove down to a Balsamic Vinegar Factory in Modena. We were able to go up to a room full of barrels and see the process of turning the vineyard grapes into balsamic vinegar. Each barrel was set to sit for a certain number of years ranging from 12-25. Based on the type of grape combinations and amount of years, the balsamic would yield different flavors and richness. After learning about the history of the company and their success in creating authentic Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, we were able to have a tasting. We tried white, traditional, orange, fig, apple, truffle, and more balsamic vinegar flavors. It was absolutely delicious! With such an appeal to the senses, many of us simply couldn’t resist buying some bottles to take home.

By: Tiana Campbell, Walla Walla University

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