

28 April 2022By

GSA meeting

Are you an undergraduate or graduate student at least in your third year of study?
Have you felt the need to engage with your peers on issues related to faith and society?
Do you feel a desire to participate in meetings in which you compare your faith experience and study with other people?

The GSA (Young Adventist Scholars) group is organizing the first national meeting to get to know each other and discuss many issues in order to build a common path.

GSA members will also work together with students from the Adventist Faculty of Theology in order to foster a mutual understanding and interdisciplinary approach to the topics that will be explored from time to time.

The meeting is at the Adventist campus, 8 Ellen Gould White Street, Florence, May 13 and 14.

Hospitality for the weekend is fully offered by the Adventist Institute to all GSA members.

We will also take advantage of a visit to the city of Florence.

Join the group by signing up through the form at the bottom of this page

For more information and registration, send an email to

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