1994 – Société des Placages de Châtillon-sur-Seine, France (Comett UE project).
Scholarship for research on crisis communication in a Pmi.
1993/1994 – Icei, Rome (sponsored by Confindustria): course on business communication.
1993 – Sapienza University, Rome (old system): bachelor’s degree in Letters and
philosophy, thesis in philosophy of language. Thesis title: The non-saying that says. La
presupposition in the linguistics of Oswald Ducrot. Grade: 110/110 with honors.
1987 – Liceo Scientifico G. Peano, Rome: high school diploma in linguistics.
Lecturing on rhetoric, communication, social media, press office for Crui
(Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities), Ucpi (Union of Criminal Chambers),
Sna (National School of Administration), Sna for Istat, Ceida, Ranstad for
Groupama, Luiss Business School, Acli, Sapienza University, Tor Vergata University,
Ekis, Rai Way, Gugliemo Tagliacarne Institute, Chambers of Commerce, Jus Web (courses
with credits for journalists), Chamber of Deputies, Ceida, Institute of Dutch Culture,
De Gasperi Institute, Analdex (National Association of Foreign Trade,
Colombia), Fedexpor (Federation of Exporters, Ecuador), Cainco (Chamber of
trade in Santa Cruz, Bolivia).
2016 – People and Knowledge magazine’s Educational Product of the Year Award for the
#GuerradiParole, clash of rhetoric between students and prisoners.
A. Granelli, F. Trupia, Rhetoric is alive. And it enjoys excellent health, Franco Angeli, Rome-Milan (2019).
A. Granelli, F. Trupia, Rhetoric and business. Intuit, reason, seduce in the digital age, Egea-Bocconi (2014).
F. Trupia, Powerful Speeches. Persuasion techniques to make an impression, Franco Angeli, Rome-Milan (2010).
F. Trupia, “Writing for the Web,” in Various Authors, Handbook of Knowledge Economics, Colombo, Rome (2004).
F. Trupia, “Advertising and Public Administration,” in Zuanelli (ed.), Handbook of Institutional Communication , Colombo, Rome (2000).
A. Bucci, A. Marchetti, A. Perini, F. Trupia, Crisis communication. The two ways,
Arnica, Rome (1998).