Spiritual Master Plan: I don’t just pray for these. Unity and Inclusion

On Saturday, Feb. 1, at 3:30 p.m., at the Aula Magna of the Adventist Institute of Florence (Via E. G. White 8), there will be a new thematic in-depth meeting as part of the Spiritual Master Plan. The theme of the meeting will be “I don’t just pray for these. Unity and Inclusion,” inspired by Jesus’ words in John’s Gospel: “May they all be one.”.

The event will feature Xavier Scuccimarri, dean and lecturer at the Adventist Faculty of Theology, and Mariarosa Cavalieri, of the Office of Personal Ministries and Sabbath School (UICCA). Moderating the discussion will be Professor Néstor Haroldo Petruk, professor of Old Testament at the Adventist Faculty of Theology.

The Spiritual Master Plan is a path of spiritual growth and deepening aimed at promoting reflections on fundamental issues such as unity and inclusion in the Christian community and society. This meeting provides an important opportunity to discuss how to concretely live these values in one’s daily life.

A time of sharing and deepening not to be missed, to rediscover the meaning of unity in faith and action.

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