Book Fellow: “The Flattening of the World. The crisis of culture and the dominance of the norm” by Olivier Roy

A new Book Friend meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 11 a.m. The event will take place in the Conference Room of the Adventist Institute of Florence. The keynote speaker will be Olivier Roy, professor at the European University of Florence. He will present his latest book, “The Flattening of the World. The Crisis of Culture and the Dominance of the Norm” (Feltrinelli, 2024).

“The Flattening of the World” analyzes current cultural transformations. It examines how social and political norms are affecting society and collective thinking. Olivier Roy offers a reflection on globalization and increasing cultural uniformity. The volume invites a discussion of these changes and their impact in the modern world.

In dialogue with the author will be Hanz Gutierrez, professor at the Adventist Faculty of Theology. The meeting will be an opportunity to explore the topic in depth and to engage with a prominent scholar. The analysis of “The Flattening of the World” will offer interesting insights into contemporary challenges.

The event will be held in-person at the Adventist Institute, 8 Ellen Gould White Street, Florence. It will also be available for live streaming at

Book Friend is an important event for those who love culture and discussion. An opportunity to explore ideas and reflect on current issues. We look forward to seeing you in large numbers for this interesting meeting!

You can also catch up on previous Friend Book meetings at

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