Raphael Baptist

Library Manager / FAT Lecturer in Charge / DiLCAI


  1. Master’s Degree in Theology, majoring in Religion, Rights and Society (FAT IACB – VA);
  2. Degree in Theology (FAT IACB – VA);
  3. Licence en Théologie (Faculté Adventiste de Théologie – Collonges-sous-Salève, France);
  4. English language certificate (Wall Street Institute – School of English Florence);
  5. BULATS of English Language (University of Cambridge ESOL Examination);
  6. Publicist journalist card, 1994-1999 (National Order of Journalists).
Published Articles

1. “Jihad: Islam and global revolution,” Adventus, 2 (1989): 39-48;
2. “Lead or Tin? The Question of ‘ănāk in Amos 7:7-9,” Adventus, 23 (2013): 65-72;
3. “Philosophical-anthropological vocabulary in Genesis 2:7 and in Vedic literature. A comparative look,” Adventus, 24 (2014): 83-89;
4. “Jihad: thought and action,” Adventus, 25 (2015/2016):48-59;
5. “William Miller and Millerism. Awakening, disappointment, hope,” Adventus, 26 (2017): 49-66;
6. “Eschatology and political utopia. Marxism and National Socialism,” Adventus, 27 (2018): 81-89;
7. “Migration: by love or by force,” Adventus, 28 (2019): 9-17;
8. “A World Too Strong for a Divided Church,” The Adventist Messenger, 3 (2012): 10;
9. “Put flowers in your cannons. Does it also apply in apologetics?”, The Adventist Messenger, 6 (2013): 6-7;
10. “Ecumenism, blessing or curse?”, The Adventist Messenger, 9 (2013): 6-7;
11. “The ‘paper idol,'” The Adventist Messenger, 10 (2013): 6-7;
12. “W Italy,” The Adventist Messenger, 11 (2013): 6-7;
13. “Natural disasters and signs of the times: a biblical perspective” (1), The Adventist Messenger, 2 (2014): 4-6;
14. “Natural disasters and signs of the times: a biblical perspective” (2), The Adventist Messenger, 3 (2014): 3-6;
15. “Natural Disasters and Signs of the Times in the Writings of Ellen G. White,” The Adventist Messenger, 4 (2014): 24-26;
16. “This union is not to be had,” The Adventist Messenger, 9 (2014): 10;
17. “Will a ‘fourth religion’ be born?”, The Adventist Messenger, 10 (2014 ): 14;
18. “Hong Kong: one nation, two systems,” The Adventist Messenger, 12 (2014): 18;
19. “Occupied houses and wars among the poor,” The Adventist Messenger, 1 (2015): 18;
20 . “Like a movie and its sequel,” The Adventist Messenger, 2 (2015): 14;
21. “I stand with the satire (mais, je ne suis pas Charlie),” The Adventist Messenger, 3 (2015): 12;
22. “Ben Carson, an Adventist physician running for the White House,” The Adventist Messenger, 4 (2015): 16;
23. “You deserve life in prison, but…,” The Adventist Messenger, 5 (2015): 12-13;
24. “Another Holocaust,” The Adventist Messenger, 6 (2015): 10;
25. “Bombing Auschwitz,” The Adventist Messenger, 7-8 (2015): 10;
26. “Lampedusa: the island that is there,” The Adventist Messenger, 9 (2015): 12;
27. “Self-defense or legitimate offense?”, The Adventist Messenger, 12 (2015): 9;
28. “January 2016, 71 years since the discovery of horror,” The Adventist Messenger, 1 (2016): 10;
29. “Jihad in the Quran: ‘holy war’?”, The Adventist Messenger, 6 (2016): 13-14;
30. “EU: always iron and clay?”, The Adventist Messenger, 9 (2016): 9-10;
31. “Earthquake and Cartoons,” The Adventist Messenger, 11 (2016): 9;
32. “The Forgotten Holocausts,” The Adventist Messenger, 1 (2017): 6-8;
33. “Dario Fo and the Mistero buffo,” The Adventist Messenger, 2. (2017): 4-5;
34. “Victoria o muerte… , The Adventist Messenger, 4 (2017): 4-5;
35. “Introductory lines to the letter to the Galatians,” The Adventist Messenger, 7-8 (2017): 12-13;
36. “Crime and Punishment,” The Adventist Messenger, 10 (2017): 4-6;
37. “Public policy,” The Adventist Messenger, 12 (2017): 24.
38. “Mein Kampf, a throne for the Adversary,” The Adventist Messenger, 1 (2018): 6-7;
39. “Does Islam (not) scare me?”, The Adventist Messenger, 6 (2018): 8-9;
40. “Islam and Adventism: convergences and divergences,” The Adventist Messenger, 10 (2018): 10-13;
41. “SS Einsatzgruppen. The holocaust outside the camps,” The Adventist Messenger, 1 (2019): 4-5;
42. “The ‘origin of the great conflict,” The Adventist Messenger, 11 (2019): 16;
43. “Dress to the Mercenary,” The Adventist Messenger, 1 (2020): 4-5;
44. “The Great Beauty,” The Adventist Messenger, 2 (2020): 8;
45. “The Restless Right,” The Adventist Messenger, 4 (2021): 4-5.
46. “The exotic hunger of Rome. Roman religion at the turn of the Christian era,” The Adventist Messenger, 6 (2024): 13-15;
47. “The Taking of Jericho. Exegetical Study of Joshua 6,” Adventus, 31 (2022): 6-37.

Monographs and book chapters

“Indian Religion. Comparative analysis of major religions and spiritual orientations, from a Christian perspective” (Paperback);
“Historical Hints on Esoteric and Magical Thought and Movements in the Western Tradition,” in AA.VV., The Occult, the Arcane and the Paranormal (Falciani Impruneta: ADV – Youth Dossier 3, edited by the UICCA Education Department): 28-49;
3. “The Call” in AA.VV., Paul, the Last Apostle (Impruneta: Edizioni AdV, 2006): 21-35;
4. “Christ Meets Conflict” in AA.VV., Jesus Gives Meaning to Life (Impruneta: Edizioni AdV, 2006): 37-53;
5. “What if he chose you first?” in AA.VV., Choose Jesus (Impruneta: Edizioni AdV, 2009): 90-99.

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